Legal Notices

About the website

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All data and information on the website are made available to the public by RECTOR LESAGE SAS.
By consulting the website, you agree to accept the terms and conditions contained in this notice.


SAS with capital of 2,267,596.53 – RCS Mulhouse 76 B174
Head office: 16 rue de Hirtzbach – BP 2538 – 68058 MULHOUSE CEDEX – France
Such. : +33 (0)3 89 59 67 50
SIRET: 307 322 214 00015
VAT identification number: FR84307322214

Web hosting provider

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE code 2620Z
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

WebSite design and SEO

Première Place
SAS with capital of €4,860.00
Head office: 30 rue François Spoerry – 68100 Mulhouse – France
RCS Mulhouse 489 995 985
VAT number: FR 12 489 995 985


3D diagrams: Longrine Communication (Avignon), Infra, 3D Origin

Photo credits: Photographs of volumes I and II of La Reference on Fotolia, Masterfile, iStock Photo, Shoot The Moon, Longrine, André BOCQUEL, Joël DAMASE, Nicolas MARCHIEL, Grégory TACHET, Jean ZINDEL, Studio Descamps, Valentin Audiovisuel

Videos: Atlantic Television, Action Prod’Studio, Frédéric Amarolli, Joël DAMASE, Olivier Emran with Nouvelle ère, Timelapse Prod, Cheeky Pili, EO Production and Carbone Café.

Membership in Ecominero

As part of the REP of construction and building products and materials, RECTOR is committed to Ecominero. The unique identifier number (IDU) “FR302173_04LFMJ”, issued by ADEME, certifies Rector’s membership in this ‘eco-organization.

Protection of personal data

RECTOR LESAGE SAS attaches particular importance to the right to privacy of Internet users and is committed to protecting their personal data in accordance with current French and European legislation. No personal data is requested from visitors to allow them to consult the website

Each form on the website restricts the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary and systematically indicates:

  • the purposes of collecting personal data
  • the mandatory or optional nature of the data
  • the recipient(s) of the data collected
  • the retention period of the collected data
  • your IT and Liberties rights and how to exercise them

On each form on the website, one or more check box(es) allows you to explicitly give your consent for the collection and processing of the personal data requested. This allows RECTOR LESAGE SAS to ensure that the personal data transmitted to it can actually be used for the purpose(s) explicitly announced on the form and accepted by the Internet user. Each box checked corresponds to a particular purpose of processing personal data and will serve as legal proof of the Internet user’s consent.

Under no circumstances will RECTOR LESAGE SAS be able to use this personal data for a purpose other than that(s) explicitly announced on the form and accepted by the Internet user. Likewise, this personal data cannot be transmitted or assigned to third parties without explicit mention of this possibility on the form.

In accordance with the general data protection regulations of April 27, 2016 and the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 as amended, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition for good reason in relation to the data that concerns you.

To exercise this right, you can RECTOR LESAGE SAS via the form on the site, or by post to the following address:

16 rue de Hirtzbach – BP 2538
68058 MULHOUSE CEDEX – France

The personal data collected on the site are processed according to secure protocols which considerably limit the risks of interception or recovery by third parties. However, be careful not to disclose unnecessary or sensitive personal information when using our forms. If you wish to communicate such information to us, please use postal mail.

Any complaint related to the use of your personal data must be filed with the CNIL, or 3 place de Fontenoy TSA 80715 75334 Paris cedex 07.


The site uses cookies. These are small files downloaded to your computer that help the site run smoothly and securely (session and security cookies) and that record information about how our visitors view our site (tracking cookies). This allows us, for example, to know which pages are most viewed by our visitors and how much time they spend on our site.

By configuring your browser, you can disable cookies or be alerted when cookies are about to be downloaded to your computer. However, disabling all cookies may prevent you from properly using all the features of this site. We therefore give you the option of deactivating only tracking cookies, which will not interfere with your browsing (see “Cookie settings” below).

Google Analytics

This site uses the Google Analytics web analysis service. This allows us to analyze how Internet users use our site in order to offer them a better browsing experience. To do this, Google Analytics uses tracking cookies to follow an Internet user’s journey on the site. These cookies are kept for a period of 13 months.

We have activated IP anonymization for this site. This means that the IP addresses collected by Google Analytics are systematically shortened to make it impossible to identify Internet users. In exceptional cases, the full IP address may be transferred to a Google server in the United States and immediately shortened there. Google uses the information collected via cookies on behalf of RECTOR LESAGE SAS, for the purpose of analyzing the browsing habits of Internet users and providing reports on site activity.

Google provides users with a plug-in for their browser allowing them to prevent the collection of data relating to their browsing on websites using Google Analytics.

This plug-in is available at this address:

Google Remarketing

This site may use the Google Remarketing service, which makes it possible to offer Internet users targeted advertisements based on the sites visited in the Google ad network. This allows us in particular to use your browsing data on this site in order to offer you targeted advertisements when you visit other sites in the Google network. You can deactivate this functionality via the following link:

If you have a Google account and are logged in to it by visiting our site, and you have authorized Google to link your browsing history to your Google account and to use this history to personalize ads, Google will link the browsing data collected through Google Analytics to your Google account. If you use your Google account on multiple devices, our ads may appear on those other devices. Although Google collects data on this site related to the use of Google accounts, RECTOR LESAGE SAS cannot under any circumstances deduce the identity of Google account users consulting the site.

For more information about how Google collects and uses this data, we invite you to consult Google’s privacy policies:

Cookie settings
You can change your cookie settings for this site here:

You can object to the tracking of your browsing on this website. This will protect your privacy, but also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.
You are not excluded. Uncheck this box to exclude yourself.

For more information on cookies and how to manage them, we recommend that you consult the site, developed by the EDAA organization (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance).

Intellectual property

This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations as well as animated sequences.

Any full or partial reproduction or representation, by any means whatsoever, of the content of the site, made without the express authorization of RECTOR LESAGE SAS is unlawful and constitutes an infringement.

Any use of information from the site must mention the source of the information. The internet address of the site must appear in the reference.

The brands mentioned on this site are registered by the companies which own them.


The content and environment of external sites to which the site may refer (in particular via hypertext links) do not engage the responsibility of RECTOR LESAGE SAS.

The establishment of hypertext links by third parties to pages or documents on the site is authorized provided that the links do not contravene the interests of RECTOR LESAGE SAS and that they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the origin and author of the document.

RECTOR LESAGE SAS cannot, in any way, be held liable for the content of the information appearing on this site or for the consequences that may result from their use or interpretation.

Consulting the site presupposes that the Internet user accepts the terms and conditions specified above.