Our CSR approach

Our ambition today is to harmoniously combine our economic, social, societal, and environmental performances. For us, it is as much a moral obligation as an economic choice.

We are convinced that the implementation of a proactive Corporate Social Responsibility policy will strengthen our intangible capital, and that it is the only acceptable winning choice for our future all. The analysis of CSR risks, the central questions of ISO 26000, and the expectations of our stakeholders, led us to define an ambitious CSR strategy structured into four axes:

Axis 1: Decarbonize our products and activities

In France, the National Low Carbon Strategy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector by 50% by 2050 (vs 2015). In this context, the decarbonization of our products and our activities is obviously the priority in our CSR strategy. It aims:

to put ranges of less carbon-intensive products on the market,

to develop and promote more virtuous constructive methods,

 and reduce CO2 emissions directly linked to our activities.

Axis 2: Limit our impacts on the environment and protect biodiversity




Beyond decarbonization, protection of the environment and biodiversity is the second key axis of our CSR strategy. We must strive:

towards energy-independent production sites,

towards “0 waste, 0 rejection”,

and contribute to the preservation and restoration of natural spaces.

Axis 3: Ensuring safety and promoting well-being at work

Thanks to the technical progress made and the evolution of working methods, the conditions and quality of life at work have improved and we must continue on this path for years to come. In this area, we are therefore committed to acting as a responsible employer, through a caring human resources policy, beneficial to the development of our employees.

Axis 4: Anchor our activities in our territories




As a concrete manufacturer, our main sources of supply are located less than a hundred kilometers from our production sites. Our trading partners or construction companies and their clients’ construction sites are also most often anchored in the territories where our sites are located.

The notion of a short supply chain is therefore a principle deeply enshrined in the DNA of our company. Our ambition is to reinforce this reality by promoting short circuits, local actions, participating in the development of local ecosystems and solutions.

Our CSR approach makes it possible to respond to 13 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined within the framework of the UN framework.


To give it perspective, we have additionally defined 14 commitments for results or means by 2025 (monitored by around forty indicators):

1. Decarbonize our products and activities

  1. Make eco-designed solutions available to the market aimed at decarbonizing buildings.
  2. Cover up to 90% of our electricity consumption through the production of photovoltaic electricity.
  3. Strive towards 50% of the renewals of our company vehicles and handling equipment with low-emission vehicles.

2. Limitour environmental impacts and protect biodiversity

  1. Strive towards 100% recycled materials in our passive steels, our plastic spacers, and the cardboard packaging of our boxes.
  2. Deploy our process water management optimization strategy on 100% of our sites.
  3. Reduce our energy consumption.
  4. Establish a biodiversity action plan on all of our sites and act in favor of biodiversity within the framework of partnerships.

3. Ensure safety and promote well-being in the workplace

  1. Ensure the health and safety of all our employees to the highest level and define an action plan to reduce arduousness.
  2. Support employees in their development of skills.
  3. Conduct a survey on well-being at work and establish an action plan.
  4. Define a policy in favor of the fight against discrimination (disability, M/F equality, diversity).

4. Anchor our activities in our territories

  1. Carry out a territorial analysis of our sites and define action plans.
  2. Continue our approach to supplying short circuits.
  3. Promote and respect our sponsorship strategy.